
AMD creates graphics-focused Radeon Technologies Group, taps Raja Koduri for GPU czar - stewartquidents53

AMD's separating its healthier GPU business from its struggling CPU commercial enterprise. The company announced Midweek morning that IT was creating a new Radeon Technologies Group that would, essentially restructure ATI (the graphics company it acquired in 2006) inside of the CPU company.

The move, company officials said, is designed to give the new graphics unit more autonomy to respond to the current needs in VR and AR, as fountainhead equally support traditional gaming markets. "We are entering an age of immersive computing where we will be surrounded by billions of brilliant pixels that enhance our daily lives in ways we have yet to fully comprehend,"  said AMD CEO Lisa Su.

The new graphics radical will equal Sir Thomas More focused and also more elastic, Su explained. "With the creation of the Radeon Technologies Group we are putting in situ a more agile, vertically-unified graphics organization focused happening solidifying our put up as the graphics industry drawing card, recapturing profitable share across traditional graphics markets, and staking leadership positions in new markets such as virtual and augmented reality."

Why this matters: AMD purchased graphics company ATI in 2006 and has long worked to meld the GPUs with its CPUs, without much success outside of game consoles. By creating the parvenue Radeon Technologies Radical, it would appear the company has definite the graphics company would be better off with more self-sufficiency to pursue new opportunities farther afield from AMD's sum concern.

Meet the Radeon Technologies Group

Su said yearlong-time graphics hand Raja Koduri would comprise promoted to Senior VP and Chief Architect and helm the new group. Koduri will report card straightaway to Su and oversee all of the graphics used in AMD's art cards, semi-custom and GPU compute products, as swell as its APU chips, which combine graphics and CPU functionality.

Koduri's statement in the press buttoninterestingly reads as a necessitate people to join sprouted—this from a company that has announced wave after moving ridge of reductions over the last fewer quarters.

"AMD is matchless of the few companies with the engineering natural endowment and Information processing to make emerging immersive computation opportunities a reality," said Koduri. "Now, with the Radeon Technologies Group, we have a dedicated team focussed connected growing our business as we create a unique surround for the best and brightest minds in graphics to be a part of the team re-defining the industry."

Bad times

The realignment comes after a peculiarly bad quarter for the Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company. Information technology issued a admonitory in July saying arcsecond-quarter revenues would fall aside 8 percent. AMD also gave in the lead discrete graphics market share to Nvidia and adage its piece of the pie shrivel to 18 percent, while Nvidia's climbed to 81.9 percent.

Overall graphics card game gross sales have been on a downslope too, accordant to JPR,  with gross sales decreasing 16.8 percent when completely PC sales are thoughtful.

The unrivaled bright spot, JPR noted, is an increase in enthusiast and gaming spending, which the firm said "bucked" the falling off in graphics gross sales in mainstream computers. Lofty-end graphics cards, much as Nvidia's GeForce GTX 980 Atomic number 2, give birth actually had a halo effect on Nvidia, which has continued to report healthy earnings. That would point to a unproblematic recipe of "if you make IT better, gamers leave buy it," which AMD is straight off following again.

To outsiders, AMD seemed more than intent on bundling disembarrass games to boost sales and slashing prices, rather than introducing young GPUs. That brut while ended fresh with its sunrise Fury card game. Gross revenue figures for AMD's fashionable art cards harbour't been disclosed, but reviews of its Fury X and Fury have been mostly positive, which usually leads to increased sales.

Raja Koduri AMD

Raja Koduri

Koduri's graphics chops are well identified to those in the industry.

He started with graphics firm S3 in front moving to ATI. After ATI's purchase past AMD in 2006, Koduri yet became AMD's CTO in charge of graphics engineering. He left AMD for Apple in 2009, where became theater director of artwork architecture and helped enforce so much nontextual matter-oriented items as "retina" in laptops.

Koduri's constitute may non represent on the lips of the average gamer, but his reappearance to AMD in 2022 was important enough that it merited insurance coverage by partizan PC ironware sites such every bit and The Tech Report.'s report even proclaimed "The Billie Jean Moffitt King is Back."

Both sites at the clock aforesaid any influence Koduri would have on AMD's graphics roadmap wouldn't materialize until 2022, which would give roughly credit to Korduri for the current Wildnes cards.

Oodles of rumors and speculation

The new Radeon Technology Group is unlikely to stem the rumors and speculation that bear hounded AMD this year though. In fact, they may even feed it.

Citing unnamed sources, reported in June that Microsoft was interested in purchasing AMD, which it could do for a pittance at $1.81 billion. One ground cited by would be overall savings happening processors for its Xbox One. AMD holds the custom cut for some the Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PS4. Neither Microsoft nor AMD would comment on the rumor. Rumors have also heavily circulated that AMD would be tapped for the CPU in Nintendo's recent console besides.Possibly more prescient, though standing off-prey, was a report by Reuters in June that AMD was mulling a split-up or even a sale of the graphics unit, which it had originally purchased for $5.4 cardinal.

Pooling all of the graphics control in software, ironware, and IP into one corner of the mesa is reason to cause suspicion. Today's news, however, just positions The Radeon Technologies Group as a realignment of AMD internally. Anyone wont to corporate bureaucracy knows such a move removes layers of decisionmaking that tin can an obturate forward progress, so AMD may simply be recognizing that its one ace in the hole these years is in graphics.


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