
How To Draw Hoods And Cloaks

Hood or no hood, the universe knows who this guy is!

"They should be good men, their affairs as righteous. But all hoods make not monks."

Somebody needs to disguise their identity and/or avoid attracting attention. Their solution? Wear a Black Cloak with a really big hood. Because nothing diverts attention away from oneself better than a big creepy black cloak that makes you look like the Grim Reaper. In modern times, however, a hoodie is a good substitute.

Of course, the physics of this attire choice are subjected to Rule of Cool. The hood will obscure their face (or at least from the mouth or nose up) in shadow, regardless of whether it is long enough to actually do so; and if it is, the eyes will be often completely covered by the cloth, making one wonder how do they manage to actually see anything. In addition, the hood will never fall off accidentally, even if the wearer is fighting a Wind Mage in the middle of a typhoon.

Yes, wearing a hood during a fight isn't a good idea because it constricts your peripheral vision, but who cares as long as it looks cool? Besides, being mysterious is badass. Even more besides, no one has peripheral vision anyway.

Sometimes the character in question will have Glowing Eyes to contrast with their obscured face, resulting in Shadowed Face, Glowing Eyes.

Video game designers of older days liked the trope because throwing an all-concealing hood (or suitable replacement) over an unimportant or "mysterious" character meant that they could skip on actually animating the character's speech.

This can be a Justified Trope if in a Wretched Hive or Bad-Guy Bar, where this is a perfectly acceptable fashion accessory. Though it shouldn't be confused with a Hood Film, you can expect to find it there, too. It also works if you are pretending to be a monk.

Compare Eye-Obscuring Hat. Contrast with the Cool Masks worn by superheroes, which disguise them by making them look more conspicuous. When not, see Malevolent Masked Men.


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    Anime & Manga

  • Battle Spirits Shonen Toppa Bashin:
    • Suiren does this in the fourth episode to disguise herself when she wants to get away from her idol duties.
    • Later, this is also done by Meganeko and Card Sensei to sneak into a tournament.
  • When on an assassination mission, Guts from Berserk wears a dark cloak with a hood. He's also seen wearing his all-black hooded cape post-Eclipse after he becomes the Black Swordsman.
  • Bleach gives us the bizarre Pernida Parnkgjas, a Quincy whose hood renders all but the character's glowing eyes invisible.
  • In Blood+, the schiff wear hoods for protection since sunlight kills them.
  • Claymore:
    • Clare wears a hooded cloak while infiltrating the Holy City of Rabona. She however has the sense to wear a dark cloak as a form of camouflage at night. Seven or so years later Clarice and Miata do the same but in broad daylight. It did not work out very well for them.
    • The Seven Ghosts frequently wear these as well. Of course it is obvious they are being mysterious, but they seem more concerned with avoiding positive identification.
  • Turkey from Hetalia: Axis Powers wears a hood and a mask, when he isn't the Ottoman Turks (where he wears a mask and a huge hat instead).
  • Kill la Kill:
    • Guts is a non-speaking partially civilized doggy who is never seen without his little hoodie.
    • When Ryuko gets into her first real fight, she starts out wearing a body concealing hood and cloak. It eventually gets torn up, revealing her now-iconic Stripperiffic outfit.
  • The members of the Black Valley in My-Otome wear these; once it's revealed they're not evil, it gets lampshaded when there's a little girl in the group, wearing a cloak and a hood and a pink bow over the hood.
  • Negima! Magister Negi Magi:
    • Ku:Nel Sanders manages to go through an entire tournament without ever having his hood fall off (he's the semi-solid projection of a mage, so maybe a wizard did it). It doesn't generally mask his face from the reader, but the characters themselves can't see his face unless he shows them.
    • Later, after Negi is Wrongly Accused in the Magic World, he doesn't go out without a hood when he's not disguised.
  • Subverted with Korumi in Onegai My Melody - Not only does her black hood disguise nothing, but the second season reveals it's apparently genetic.
  • Fakir wears a hood to cover his distinctive green hair while he wears a mask in the tenth episode of Princess Tutu. This is probably in part because Fakir has a tendency to be a little theatrical when it comes to his role as the Knight.
  • Samurai Champloo: Yukimaru uses a hood that actually covers his entire face (except for his eyes) to hide his identity from the protagonists.
  • In the world of Somali and the Forest Spirit, humans are seen as livestock by the ruling class of monsterfolk, meaning the titular Somali must specifically wear a hooded cloak around other people to hide not her identity but her species. The false horns allow her to pass as a minotaur child.
  • Spice and Wolf: Holo switches between wearing a hood and a hat to cover up the animalistic wolf-ears on top of her head in different situations. The hood implies that she is a traveling nun, which is explained in the light novels to be the standard getup of any independent woman who wants to do traveling, and as such doesn't normally get a lot of attention. The hat is part of a typical city girl outfit, which is more convenient when she wants to go drinking and having fun, activities unsuitable for even a nun out of convenience rather than devotion.
  • Ultimate Muscle starting with episode 5 "Dial Up Danger" has Kevin Mask, Diabolic and Pumpinator dressed with hoods that completely obscure their faces in black shadows as well as hide their bodies true form.

    Comic Books

  • Doctor Doom wears a dark green hooded cloak of course, seeing as he is rather Genre Savvy about the sources of badassery.
  • The main villain of Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time wears a hood to hide his identity, as he can't let the Doctor recognise him before their first chronological meeting. He has another reason for the hood as well: he's former companion Adam Mitchell, who was left with a hole in his head when the Ninth Doctor expelled him from the TARDIS for bad behaviour.
  • The Oliver Queen Green Arrow during the Mike Grell series The Longbow Hunters and the following Green Arrow monthly series (1980s and 1990s run) wore a hood. Dinah "Black Canary" Lance designed it for him so he wouldn't catch a chill in Seattle's rainy clime. Since he had abandoned his trick and gadget arrows for broadheads instead, it was a better fit for a darker and grittier GA than the old "Robin Hood" hat from the Golden Age. Initially he still wore his domino mask underneath the hood, but after enough people explain they already knew who he was he gives up the mask and wears only the hood. Depending on the artist, it still hid the face—it was the beard that defeated the whole purpose of it all.
  • Horizon: Zhia is wearing a blue hoodie at the end of Issue #6 after the mission's over.
  • Knights of the Dinner Table: Newt's characters invariably dress this way as part of his attempt to imbue them with a Shrouded in Myth mystique. No one else is ever impressed.
  • Skroa used this in Book 7 and 8 of Les Légendaires to conceal his identity. Partially justified, as his real appearance is a giant, green, anthropomorphic bird-like demon, meaning any disguise would be better than just going around as himself. Ironically, this was actually of little use, as the only person he showed himself to in the arc died a panel later, and the protagonists instantly recognized him when confronting him at the end.
  • Time Trapper, the mysterious purple wearing X-factor villain in Legion of Super-Heroes, wears one. But since his identity changes all the time it doesn't matter when S/He takes it off.
  • Planet Terry has The Hood, a hooded figure who captures Planet Terry's supposed mother and holds her hostage until Terry rescues her. The Hood, as it turns out, is a child about Terry's age who ends up being revealed as Vermin the Vile's real son.
  • The secretive Red Robin villain known as a "Daughter of Acheron" wears a heavy embroidered hooded cloak with the deep hood always up until she has Tim captured and, she thinks, helpless and divulges to him that she is the half-sister of Ra's al Ghul and intends to make an heir for herself with Tim and kill him.
  • Damian Wayne, the fifth Robin includes a hood as part of his cape. Nightwing points out that a hood could block his peripheral vision and give enemies something to grab. Damian brushes off his concerns, stating that he can even fight blind if needed.
  • Robin Series: "Dodge" wore a blue hoodie as his hero costume; after a teleporter accident leaves him mutated, he turns villain, blames Robin for it and keeps the hood up constantly.
  • In Le Scorpion, Hot Gypsy Woman Mejai frequently wears a long, hooded cloak (although blue rather than black) that wraps right round her whenever she is attempting to move about incognito.
  • Spider-Man: Roderick Kingsley, the original Hobgoblin, has a hood. More often than not, it casts a shadow that hides most of his mask while leaving only his glittering red eyes visible. Very creepy. When he temporarily gave up the role, his successor kept the hood but never produced the shadow, just one of many many ways he was a failure. Eventually Kingsley came out of retirement, killed him, took the role of the Hobgoblin back, and sure enough, lots of creepy shadows.
  • In her Spoiler incarnation, Bat-clan member Stephanie Brown combines a hood with a featureless black full-face mask further concealing her .
  • Raven of the Teen Titans loves the hood; it somehow conceals her face just as well as a mask but without that pesky glue. It even stays on when she flies. (The cartoon provides a possible explanation for this by giving her telekinesis, a power she lacks in the comics.)
  • Subverted in The Traveler. While the Traveler always wears a hood, it's constantly falling off and he's shown putting it back on numerous times per issue. He wears a mask that covers everything but his eyes and mouth though, so his face still isn't seen even when the hood is down.
  • Ultimate Spider-Man: As the Shroud Kitty Pryde wears a hooded cloak, to conceal her identity.
  • As his name suggests, Hooded Justice, the first costumed adventurer in the Backstory of Watchmen, wore a black hood that covered his entire face, meant to resemble an executioner or hanged criminal. The resemblance to a Klan hood was not accidental.
  • Sand Masters of White Sand have hoods as part of their robes, as they live in a land of Endless Daytime.
  • In the comic book version of W.I.T.C.H., the girls wore brown, hooded cloaks to be able to walk around undetected in Meridian. In their human forms. Notice that we're talking about the comic version of Meridian here, were everyone is green-skinned, has tentacle hair, or is otherwise downright monstrous-looking. For some reason, it worked.
  • Wonder Woman
    • Wonder Woman (1942): The earth-based slaver who would brainwash and sell humans to the Empire of Saturn always wore a deep hooded cloak for their dealings with Empire officials. This ensures Count Dendum cannot identify them after they try to continue selling humans after the Empire makes it illegal, starts trying to return their human slaves to their places of origin, and forms a treaty with the US. They turn out to be the super-villain Hypnota.
    • Wonder Woman (1987): Circe will wear a heavy deep hooded green cloak on the very rare occasion she wants to be inconspicuous.
  • Subverted by Rogue from the X-Men. When she first joined the team, her costume had a large hood, but you can count on one hand how many times she was actually seen wearing it. Later costume designs include a similarly-styled hood, which she wears on occasion, but not enough for it to be a signature look like her Skunk Stripe.

    Comic Strips

  • Nero: A hooded Klan-esque villain appears in De Linkadoors and another hooded man, this time a good man, yet equally mysterious, appears in De Grote Geheimzinnigaard. In De Clo Clo Clan and De Wraak Van De Grote Clo another Klan-esque antagonistic secret society dressed in hoods lives on the North Pole and call themselves The Clan.

    Fan Works

  • In I've Got Your Back, Marina wears a hoodie because hoods hide her tentacles. She's also a homeless Shrinking Violet, so they're also sturdy and fit her shy personality.
  • In Neither a Bird nor a Plane, it's Deku!, Izuku's costume includes a hood styled to resemble All Might's hair thanks to his fanboying for the Number One Hero. It gets used against him during the Heroes vs. Villains exercise when Bakugou stuffs it full of bombs and throws it over Izuku's eyes before detonating them all at once. Luckily, he's Kryptonian and his suit is made of Seventh Metal fibers, so all he gets from it is Ash Face.
  • In the Harry Potter fic Rise of the Wizards, Harry's account manager sent him a note which mentioned that Gringotts' nighttime customers tended to be of the more... disreputable sort and suggested that Harry "would not look out of place with a hooded black cloak."
  • Sins of the Past: Kamala prefers keeping her head covered when she can, as she detests attention. Unfortunately, this is thwarted at school, as her teacher M. Agreste quickly informs her that wearing one during class is against school policy. Once she becomes Ladybug, she's able to incorporate a hooded poncho into its design.
  • In the Death Note fic Welcome to the Family, Light Yagami determines that not even the genii of Wammy's House can withstand the mighty stealth powers of the "magic hoodie" that somehow renders him unrecognizable whenever he goes out to do nefarious things.
  • Viridian: The Green Guide: Izuku Midoriya uses a dark-green hoodie and green-tinted goggles that are Quirk-enhanced to not color the wearer's vision in order to hide his identity from villains and Pro-Heroes during his Vigilante work.

    Films — Animation

  • Christine from Buster & Chauncey's Silent Night wears a hooded cloak when she comes to Oberndorf.
  • Tip from Home wears a hoodie while on the run from the alien Boov.
  • Frollo's guards in The Hunchback of Notre Dame wear a combination of silver helmets and black hoods to give them that all-important terrifying Faceless Mooks look.

    Films — Live-Action

  • 21st Century Serial Killer: In his improv classes, Aaron is seen wearing a grey hoodie and sunglasses.
  • In .45, the figure who steals Big Al's jacket and .45 and murders Clancy disguises their identity with a hooded sweatshirt.
  • The ABCs of Death: In the "S" segment, the Hooded Man gets his name from the Badass Longcoat he wears, complete with a hood that obscures his face.
  • A Classic Horror Story: Some of the Malevolent Masked Men wear long hooded robes, probably signifying a high rank among them.
  • Aleta: Vampire Mistress: Aleta's outfits include a Black Cloak that includes a face-obscuring hoodie.
  • Assassin's Creed (2016): Aguilar's outfit includes a hood per the franchise's Assassins' tradition. What's more, the Brotherhood's symbol is embroidered on it.
  • The Mountain Man in Cold Prey 3 film hides his face under a hood.
  • Cthulhu (2007). The protagonist sees a line of Black Cloak hooded figures coming across the bridge towards him, and is so freaked out he steals a boat to avoid them.
  • Desolation (2017): The killer of the movie wears a black hooded coat.
  • In Kenneth Branagh's 1989 film of Henry V, King Henry wears a hooded cloak to disguise his identity when he goes among his soldiers the night before the Battle of Agincourt.
  • Hot Fuzz:
    • Subverted with the ominous hoodies seen occasionally and hinted at as possible suspects; they're just local kids raging against authority via minor vandalism. And when you consider what that authority is doing...
    • Played straighter with the murderer, who is seen wearing a full-length black cloak and hood. This helps the Neighbourhood Watch maintain misdirection that there is only one murderer
  • In John Doe: Vigilante, John Doe's 'costume' consists of an expressionless flesh coloured mask and a black hoodie. Because the mask matches his skin, with the hood up, it is not obvious to casual observers that he is wearing a mask.
  • The Lord of the Rings
    • Aragorn in The Fellowship of the Ring is first seen with his hood pulled up indoors, with only the light of his pipe illuminating his eyes. It's supposed to be ambiguous as to whether "Strider" is a good or bad guy at first.
    • The evil Nazghul also wear hoods.
  • Ethan Hunt in Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol.
  • Morgan spends most of the movie wearing a grey hoodie, to give a Creepy Child effect to someone who looks like a little girl but is actually an Artificial Human.
  • The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones:
    • Jace dons a few hoods while investigating Clary.
    • Magnus Bane wears a hooded long coat when he sneaks in the Institute to heal a mortally injured Alec Lightwood.
  • In The Ribald Tales of Robin Hood, Robin escapes from his cell by slipping out posing as Marian; disguising himself with her hooded cloak.
  • The Star Wars movies both avert it and play it straight.
    • The Jedi almost always shed their hooded cloaks before a battle but are otherwise seen in them. The hoods are usually down though.
    • Both Palpatine and Anakin (though he isn't hiding his identity, he briefly fights with a cloak on) use this straight. Sith Lords have their eyes obscured under their hoods, Darth Sidious in particular.
      • Kylo Ren sometimes wore a hood with his mask, but he abandoned both during The Last Jedi.
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi wears a hood that hides his face at his very first appearance, making him look like a mysterious scary thing that causes the Sandpeople to flee. This was probably what, out-of-universe, determined the Jedi cloaks and hoods would become standard issue.
    • Luke wears a hood for a while in Return of the Jedi when he's dealing with Jabba and playing the mysterious scary Jedi.
    • Star Wars had an entire In the Hood species in the form of the Jawas. Does this make them a Planet of Hoods?
    • Queen Padmé Amidala's handmaidens are often dressed in identical outfits with bulky hoods that obscure their faces. As the handmaidens are also the Queen's body doubles the hoods are a way of making it harder for onlookers to notice when they switch places.
  • When not invisibly causing "accidents", Sharack's ghost in Superstition appears as a robed and hooded figure.
  • The Alchemist in Vidocq wears a black hood over his mirrored mask. Very creepy, since when a victim-to-be tries to glimpse under the hood, they only see their own face staring back.
  • Morgana, Eric, and their companion wear black hoodies as part of their disguise when they rob the gallery at the start of Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies.
  • The Wrong Cheerleader: Creepy guy Rob does most of his stalking in a black tracksuit, but covers his head with a hood when sneaking about practise gyms, locker rooms, and teenage girls' homes.
  • The killer in Young Sherlock Holmes conceals their identity by wearing a large hooded cloak.


  • In A Brother's Price, the criminals whom the Whistlers and the Princesses fight together use hoods. Doesn't help them (much), the Whistlers just go after the person with the red hood, who they assume is the leader.
  • Discworld:
    • Lampshaded in the novel Going Postal, in which the antagonist notes that running through dark and rainy streets with a hood and cloak is the surest way to attract attention and quietly orders a subordinate killed for his incompetence.
    • In Guards! Guards!, Vimes notes the same thing, albeit without the kill orders.

      Vimes: "There are probably countless perfectly innocent reasons to stand in front of a secret society's recently destroyed headquarters while wearing a black robe and cowl and muttering to yourself. Perhaps I should ask him to name just one..."

    • Discworld's Death, being a traditionally-minded Anthropomorphic Personification, wears the classic Grim Reaper outfit, a black robe with a hood. So does Death of Rats (at rat size, naturally).
  • In The Dresden Files both a good guy (Rashid The Gatekeeper) and a villain (the aptly nicknamed Cowl) wear hoods. While Rashid does not hide his identity, The Cowl's real identity is yet unknown to Harry.
  • Forgotten Realms' Drizzt Do'Urden rarely wears the hood on his cloak unless the sun is particularly bright, though if he's going somewhere he never has before he at least tries to keep it up in the hopes the gate guards will be stupid enough not to challenge a hooded traveler.
  • Fridthjof's Saga: When Fridthjof goes to King Hring's hall to see Ingibjörg again (who is now Hring's wife), he puts on a "great shaggy cloak" and a hood which hangs down over his face. When he enters the hall, pretending to be an old beggar, he takes a seat in a corner and keeps his hood on so that it "fall[s] over his face". Notably, the "success" of this disguise is depicted quite realistically, as the stranger arouses the attention of the king at once, and the further events imply that Hring immediately suspects that the stranger is Fridthjof, even though he has never seen him before.
  • The Dementors from Harry Potter are wearing cloaks with hoods, only lifting them when they are about to suck out your soul.
  • In The Iron Teeth, Blacknail the hobgoblin can easily pass as human with a good hooded cloak, if he also keeps his horns filed down and smooths his voice a bit. It helps that the only human city he's been to is Daggerpoint, where a good chunk of the populace goes around hooded.
  • In Journey to Chaos, Annala takes to wearing a hood after becoming the chaos cleric known as "Priestess" to hide her identity. She enchants it so that her face can't be seen from any angle as long as it is up and can't be removed by things like a wind spell.
  • Hastur, as The King in Yellow, is often portrayed as being hooded in artwork.
  • Malazan Book of the Fallen:
    • In Gardens of the Moon, Elder God K'rul at first only appears as a cloaked figure with long and sinuous fingers, illustrating the fact, that he can't fully materialise outside of his temple or Kruppe's dreams.
    • Shadowthrone's cloak is described as looking like a living shadow, making the rather scrawny and bent Shadowthrone into an imposing figure. Considering that he is the God of Shadow and Illusion, it fits.
    • Cotillion is described as wearing a hooded cloak. Since he is the Patron God of Assassins, it comes with the occupation. Additionally, unlike his companion Shadowthrone, Cotillion has retained his human features upon becoming a god and wants to remain unrecognizable to anyone who may have known him when he was mortal.
  • The eponymous "Ghost Jogger" of the short story in Nancy Drew Ghost Stories makes full use of his hood to hide the fact that he's a young man assumed to be dead at the beginning of the series.
  • The Night's Dawn Trilogy: During Night's Dawn, Quinn Dexter adopts this trope deliberately to awe his Satanist followers and enemies, using his powers as the Possessed to make the hood particularly dark. The reader can tell he's lost his temper whenever his face makes a sudden reappearance.
  • In Ollie's Odyssey, Ollie wears a hood.
  • In the Ranger's Apprentice series, the eponymous Rangers are well-known throughout Araluen for their ability to melt into the forest and move without being seen. The prevailing superstition is that their cloaks are imbued with magic, allowing them to turn invisible. The real reason? Part of it is that the cloaks are camouflaged, with a large hood to completely conceal the wearer's face in shadow. The other part is that due to his training, a Ranger can stay perfectly still and hidden even when the enemy is looking right at them. From any farther than a few meters, a Ranger in hiding literally blends into the surrounding forest.
  • According to the medieval Icelandic Saga of Grettir the Strong, Grettir was the tallest man in Iceland. He was an outlaw with a price on his head. He wore a hood and nobody ever recognized the tallest man in Iceland.
  • The Saga of the Sworn Brothers: When Thormod and Skuf go to the ship ready to sail for Greenland, they meet a stranger who calls himself Gest and is "wearing a hood that prevented them from seeing his face", making it obvious he is a man who does not want to be recognized. Much later, it is revealed that "Gest" is Steinar, a relative of Thorgeir who (like Thormod) wants to go to Greenland in order to avenge Thorgeir.
  • A Song of Ice and Fire. The Faith of the Seven has "The Stranger" as one of the seven aspects of God, his face always half concealed by a hooded cloak.
  • In The Supervillainy Saga, the protagonist Gary Karkofsky a.k.a Merciless: The Supervillain without Mercy has a magical hooded cloak. He is often described as looking like a "Discount Walmart Sith Lord."
  • In Literature/Twisted Rodney is able to entirely conceal his identity by wearing a long hooded coat. Please note that Rodney is an animate rollercoaster with a long centipede-esque body and, while trying to conceal his important paint colour, he isn't wearing gloves.
  • Defied in The Wheel of Time: Myrddraal, the second-most common type of Shadowspawn, could easily pass for a human by wearing a dark hood. As a result, in several countries, the law states that everyone wearing a hood is to be killed on sight, just in case. In less watchful countries, this is not the case. Aes Sedai use this trick all the time to hide their trademark "ageless face".
  • The Will Be Done has Praen donning a hood for a night in order to deal with the town's criminals.

    Live-Action TV

  • Angel:
    • The good guys wear them in an episode while sneaking in to spy on Darla and Drusilla as they had a meeting with many vampires and demons.
    • Lorne wears one for a magical ceremony and snipes, "You think this Dungeons & Dragons cloak is a fashion statement?"
  • Arrow: Avenger-of-evil Oliver Queen's entire concept of hiding his identity is painting the area around his eyes dark green/black and pulling the hood up. It's amazing that his family and acquaintances don't put it together when he converses with them face-to-face. Consequently for the first season he isn't known as Green Arrow, but the Hood. The hood was worn by his first mentor Yao Fei and passed to his daughter Shado before Oliver wears it. Some members of Team Arrow also copy his style, such as Roy Harper (as Arsenal) and Thea Queen (as Speedy) though they prefer a red hood. Villains such as the League of Assassins use the hood coupled with a mask.
  • The Cape from, well, The Cape used to use a hood for a disguise, until it almost revealed his identity. Now he has a mask on underneath the hood.
  • When interviewed on The Colbert Report, Smaug the Golden defended his use of lethal force against Bilbo Baggins via this trope. "What would you do if someone broke into your house wearing a hoodie?"
  • Doctor Who:
    • "The Visitation": An alien traveling by cart through medieval England adopts this as a Paper-Thin Disguise that completely fails to cover his reptilian snout.
    • The Headless Monks have special hoods that stand up to conceal their, well, headless nature. Usually, lowering one is a death sentence.
    • In "Time Heist", the "Architect" wears an identity-concealing hood in the video briefing.
    • After his first series, the Twelfth Doctor started alternating between his usual smart suit and a more laid-back coat and hoodie combo.
    • This is how the Thirteenth Doctor was revealed in her debut trailer — lowering the hood of an outfit intentionally reminiscent of Twelve's. Her actual outfit also includes a hooded overcoat.
  • Game of Thrones:
    • In Season One, the assassin who tries to kill Bran Stark. In the final episode of that season, another character (also an assassin) is introduced wearing a hood to hide his features, because the actor hadn't been cast yet.
    • In Season 4, Sansa Stark when escaping from Kings Landing, to hide her distinctive red hair until she has a chance to dye it.
    • In Season 5, Tyrion Lannister adopts this as a Paper-Thin Disguise when they reach Volantis and he insists on leaving their coach. Varys is not impressed, with justification as it turns out. Tyrion should have known better, having rumbled Lady Stark when she tried to hide her face under her shawl in Season One.
    • Barristan Selmy hides his identity with one while shadowing Daenerys in the Season 3 premiere "Valar Morghulis" where he shows up to save her from an assassin. Doubles as a medieval Conspicuous Trenchcoat.
    • When going incognito, Varys wears a hooded cloak.
  • Harrow: "Actus Reus" ("Guilty Act") opens with a figure in a boat Disposing of a Body; the figure's identity concealed by the hoodie he is wearing.
  • In Juken Sentai Gekiranger, Long's human form comes with one of these.
  • Kamen Rider:
    • The eponymous Kamen Rider Ghost, as well as fellow Riders Specter and Necrom, don a hoodie when they transform; since the hoods are worn on top of the usual Kamen Rider face masks, it's less about hiding their identities than looking cool and mysterious. Though when the Riders are using their personal forms and not alternate ones, the first thing they usually do is throw their hoods back.
    • In Kamen Rider Revice, Vice gets a hood whenever he becomes a Kamen Rider. Though his various forms' hoods don't really work to make him look cool, as they're all animal-costume hoods with Cheap Costume-style fake stitching.
  • Kingdom Adventure: Zordock is never seen without his horned hood. Probably because he's the only character played by a human actor instead of a puppet or a cartoon.
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe:
    • Jessica Jones: On a few occasions in season 1, Jessica has a grey hoodie under the leather jacket, and at times puts it over her head when she needs to go unnoticed.
    • Luke Cage: Luke wears a bullet-ridden hoodie as his superhero outfit. It's more Rule of Symbolism than anything, although it does come in useful when escaping into a crowd or for an I Am Spartacus moment near the end of the season when Harlem is helping him evade police.
  • Justified in 2008 Merlin: Morgana creeps around in a hood, but all the soldiers already know she is a princess and obey.
  • Superhoodie of Misfits wears a hood, but uses a ski mask, and later a paintball helmet, to actually hide his identity of Simon from the future as the hood fits pretty tightly over the top of his head and therefore provides no shadow.
  • Murdoch Mysteries: In "Bad Medicine", the killer conceals their identity in grim reaper costume with a large hood.
  • Resurrection: Ertuğrul:
    • The season 5 villain Beybolat wears a face-concealing hood whenever he poses as Albasti.
    • During his introduction in the second season, Noyan briefly wears a cloth covering almost his entire body. He also wears a hood when he presents himself as "The Traveler" near the end of season 4.
    • In terms of heroic examples, Ertugrul and his beys have done this a handful of times. For instance, they wore face-concealing articles in season 4 when they walked into Karacahisar, claiming to be Tekfur Ares' soldiers until the time was right so they could eliminate Ares' guards.
  • On Revenge, Emily Thorne's outfit for doing ninja stuff includes a black hoodie.
  • Overdone in the 2006 BBC Robin Hood: soldiers never inspect people wearing hoods.
  • Sherlock: The secret society in "The Abominable Bride" wear hooded robes, not unlike Ku Klux Klan robes, but purple in colour.
  • Smallville's Green Arrow gets by with a Unibomber-like hoodie and sunglasses-at-night. Later he gives members proto-Justice League matching outfits. Somehow action never knocks them off; even The Flash's hood fails to uncover his face while running at super-speed.

    Myths & Religion

  • In "The Buried Moon", an English Fairy Tale, the moon spirit visits earth, using a dark cloak to hide her distinctive blonde hair, equated with moonlight.
  • The Grim Reaper is most often portrayed as a skeleton wearing a black cloak with a hood.
  • Robin Hood may not actually wear a hood, depending on the adaptation and his disguise at the moment. Traditionally he instead wears a feathered pointy hat, which was used by foresters. In any case, he's an outlaw so he has to conceal his face whenever he goes sneaking around in town, so he may use a hood then, but not usually in his forest hideout.


  • Welcome to Night Vale has various sinister hooded figures that lurk around town. There are implied to be enough of them to have an annual parade.

    Pro Wrestling

  • AJ Styles as part of his entrance attire, although he pulls it up as he comes out, unlike most examples.
  • Charlie Haas took to wearing a hood during the second WWE run of The World's Greatest Tag Team. Shelton Benjamin took to wearing one as invader X in New Japan Pro-Wrestling.
  • Christian started wearing hoods and bearing his midriff during his "Captain Charisma" run with Tyson Tomko (or if you prefer, his creepy little bastard run).
  • CM Punk wore hoodies during his entrance from late 2012 to 2014. Occasionally he'd wear the official Gracie hoodie.
  • Cody Rhodes started wearing a hood and acrylic face mask after being "disfigured" and left "grotesque", "undashing" by Rey Mysterio, even though he looked exactly the same. This lead to The Big Show calling him "Cody Von Doom."
  • Delirious started doing this in Ring of Honor, this despite the fact that he already wears a mask with tassels hanging off it.
  • "Dr. Death" Steve Williams typically wore a hooded robe with flame designs as his entrance attire.
  • Ivelisse Vélez took to wearing a hood during her time in the Radiant Rain's Valkyrie stable. A hood and mask became her and Mercedes Martinez's signature when they became the main Tag Team of an anti Valkyrie stable.
  • Jon Moxley's perpetually Messy Hair could probably be explained by his love draping hoods over his head, even indoors, even in warm weather.
  • The cultist Kevin Sullivan disguised himself as a Gregorian Monk in SMW in order to ambush Brian Lee.
  • LayCool did this in WWE, which some critics took to be a "Take That!" toward AJ Styles since they also tended to wear similar shades of blue and Michelle McCool used the Styles Clash (a move AJ invented on accident and since became his most famous finisher).
  • WWC and IWA Puerto Rico were both invaded by two hooded factions at the same time, called La Rabia in the former and Los Encapuchados de la Calle and then, Los Encapuchados Del Consejo in IWA.
  • Sheamus was known for wearing hoods even in the hot Florida summer. Given how pale he is, he likely figured being sweaty was better than being burnt, rather than any effort to look cool or disguise himself.
  • The Undertaker was prone to hoods when he wasn't wearing a wide-brimmed hat and his druids were always in hoods.


  • Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues:
    • After her superpower transformed Jenna from an ordinary girl into a mass of insects, she walks around in public in a hoodie to avoid drawing attention to her new, grotesque form.
    • Similarly, Jessica wears a hoodie after the empowering event to help hide her new purple skin and yellow eyes.


  • Of course, professional wrestlers do it because it is common in combat sports. Unlike wrestling, this is done to block out distractions, such as a roaring crowd, as you make your entrance, rather than to give people a distinct look to remember or make your entrance more elaborate. In both actual competition and simulated competition though, athletes may wear heavier clothing, hoods included, so as to stay warmed up and not get stiff before the game/performance starts, as that can lead to injuries.

    Tabletop Games


  • Cerise in Ever After High. She is the daughter of Red Riding Hood and wears a red hood to hide her wolf ears, as her father is the Big Bad Wolf.
  • You can find dozens of hoods in many LEGO sets, especially LEGO Star Wars and LEGO The Lord of The Rings sets.

    Video Games

  • A Walk in the Woods: One of the kids you can play as wears a grey hoodie.
  • Aka Manto: The titular antagonist wears a big red hooded cloak that covers its whole body.
  • The title character's hood in Amea turns out to serve as a case of Lazy Artist—she doesn't need new sprites after gouging her own eyes out.
  • Assassin's Creed:
    • Altaïr from Assassin's Creed introduces the series to the Brotherhood's modus operandi. Interestingly, having a hood on one's traveling robe in the medieval Holy Land wasn't actually that uncommon. The shade helped keep your head cool if you needed to walk a long distance. It also matches the local scholars' robes perfectly, making it easy to blend in.
    • Ezio Auditore da Firenze, the protagonist of the second game, has a similar hood. Actually his outfit's amazingly similar to Altaïr's, just updated to fit with 15th-century Italian aesthetics. Amusingly, in that era and setting, a hood like that is very conspicuous compared to the large hats almost everybody else is wearing, so it's most likely out of tradition. note Snake later appears in an identical hood as a Shout-Out. He was in the Middle East at the time.
    • Averted with Altaïr and Ezio's modern-day descendant Desmond Miles, who wears a hoodie but has yet to be seen with the hood up. Although presumably he may later as he now has all of Ezio's skills. It should also be noted that said hoodie is white, just like traditional Assassin costumes from the past. It turns out that the hood is slightly pointed, just like his ancestors' "eagle beak" hoods. Desmond finally puts his hood up in Assassin's Creed III, when he goes to the skyscraper and the stadium for the artefacts that will let him enter the Temple, and the Abstergo building he was held in in the first game to rescue his father.
    • Ezio's nemesis, Rodrigo Borgia, also wears a stylistically similar, but black hood. Until he upgrades to Papal vestments, anyway.
    • Also, Il Lupo, AKA The Prowler, is a Templar agent trained in the skills of the Assassins. Fittingly, his outfit is very similar to Ezio's, though black and red rather than white, and his hood is missing the distinctive point.
    • Connor keeps the tradition during his timeline. Since it's during The American Revolution and a large part of the world is snowy, his hood keeps his head warm.
      • In "The Tyranny of King Washington" DLC, Connor wears a wolf skin instead, which also ends up looking like a (really strange) hood.
    • Edward Kenway gets a hood early in the game when he takes them from the body of a man who tried to kill him. Most of his outfits after that also have the hood. Not the two Armor of Invincibility, though. Which makes it amusing when his animation still has him pulling up a hood that isn't there.
      • Almost all the assassins players meet along the way also have hoods. The one exception is James Kid/Mary Read, who talks a lot more and whose ability with disguise is more important to the plot.
    • Arno Dorian resumes Ezio's "hoods are conspicuous" habit; other Assassins in Revolutionary France have hoods but keep them down, but after getting his hood, Arno only lowers it twice and once involuntarily.
    • Jacob Frye prefers a Nice Hat which is more appropriate for a man in London, unless he's in stealth mode. Then he pulls the hood up.
    • Bayek also has a justified hood despite the Assassin Brotherhood not existing yet, as Ancient Egypt is even hotter than the medieval Holy Land.
    • During the limited-time Assassin's Festival crossover with Final Fantasy XV, the party gained Medjay Assassin Robes based on Bayek's outfit; Noctis also had a possible unlock based on Altaïr's robes, which was later made available to everyone in a free update. Noctis alone has hooded options, which were mandatory during the event due to an attack by the Niflheim Empire; in this case, he was inconspicuous because everyone is wearing Assassin cosplay, and having the hood raised was just to avoid the imperials from noticing his face.
  • Gorath from Betrayal at Krondor often wears his hood to conceal that his identity from people who'd want to kill a dark elf like him, people who'd want to kill him, personally, or both. Justified, since his long ears are his most striking feature to the casual eye, and a hood does hide them well.
  • The entire Kaka clan, including playable character Taokaka, from BlazBlue wear yellow hooded jackets that conceal their entire face, revealing only glowing eyes and a fanged mouth.
    • Platinum the Trinity wears one that obscures the top part of... their face.
  • In Bloodborne, you start with a hooded outfit. The Healing Church also favor hooded outfits.
  • Bloodline Champions has a hood for the male Seeker outfits, one for the male Stalker outfit, and one for the officer Thorn outfit.
  • In Bully, Jimmy walks around in a ninja suit. Instead of getting him in more trouble, this makes him less noticeable. You could start a fight right in front of a prefect, and nothing happens.
  • In Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, this is Sypha's chosen method of concealing herself.
  • Magus of Chrono Trigger adopts this as part of his "Prophet" disguise. Since the sprites are virtually identical to his normal appearance, albeit with a hood, this counts as a Paper-Thin Disguise.
  • One of many clothing options for a hero or villain in City of Heroes/Villains.
  • Clea 2019: Chaos servants, the enemies of the game, wear different-coloured hooded cloaks.
  • Crossbow Warrior - The Legend of William Tell: William Tell wears a white hood.
  • In Darksiders and Darksiders II both Death and War have this trope, War in his standard form and Death in his reaper form. Also the character Draven who helps Death in the Kingdom of the Dead has his vision impaired by a cloak.
  • Dark Souls has the Thief's Hood, a hood with a scarf blocking the face, the Hollow Thief's hood, a standard hood, and the Darkwraith Helm, a hood with a skull mask.
    • In Dark Souls II, hoods are more common, worn by Desert Sorceresses, Hexers, Priestess Licia, Emerald Herald Shanalotte and Leydia Pyromancer, and Loyce Retainer.
  • Archangel Tyrael From Diablo II wears a hood, completely concealing his face. This eventually proves rather unfortunate — Marius hands the soul stone over to his hooded confessor, who then reveals he is not Tyrael, but Baal. Not that it would have gone better had he known.
    • In Diablo III no one rocks the hoods better than the Demon Hunters, who have them as part of their Iconic Outfit. The hoods come with a set of glowing yellow eyes, which Demon Hunters get if they can see into a demon's soul without going mad.
  • Amy from Double Homework wears a hoodie both in public and on her Twitch streams to avoid being identified as Princess Amelia. She even gets special permission to wear it to summer school, even though it violates the school dress code.
  • Dragon Quest:
    • While a few robes and cloaks in Dragon Quest IX include hoods, they are typically shown folded back instead of actually being pulled over the wearer's head; certain helmets are the only hoods the player character can actually wear. Played straight, however, by the wandering ghost Serena, which ironically makes her stand out.
    • During the escape from the Heliodor Castle dungeons in Dragon Quest XI, Erik wears a hood over his head, only taking it off right before the final jump to safety when he decides to finally introduce himself by name to the Luminary. He puts it back on and gives the Luminary his own when the two sneak into Downtown Heliodor to avoid the guards while looking for the Red Orb.
  • The NPC in Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes is shown to be wearing a hooded robe to cover his face and hide his identity from the players in Hoth Motigor during the game.
  • The Elder Scrolls:
    • The Daedric Prince Boethiah (whether in male or female form) most often takes the appearance of a caped Black Knight. The statue depictions of Boethiah's female form in Skyrim and Online both have her wearing such a hood.
    • Nocturnal, the Daedric Prince of Darkness and the Night who is also associated with Thieves and Luck, has been depicted with a hood in each appearance in the series to date.
    • Hoods and cowls are traditional attire for members of the Dark Brotherhood, an illegal organization of assassins whose membership mostly takes a sadistic glee in killing and who practice a Religion of Evil.
    • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Justified with the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, a Daedric artifact that warps reality so that the rest of the world sees the wearer as the infamous Gray Fox when they're wearing it and as their normal identity when they're not. It even affects things like the Karma Meter.
  • Caster in Fate/stay night though it's really not entirely clear as to why. It's clear she's a beautiful woman but she isn't really distinctive enough for it to identify her. Nevertheless, you only get one good look at her actual face. Perhaps it's to make sure the audience thinks of her as a manipulative witch and saves the reveal of her rather elfin features for when she gets all her sympathy points and won't need us to pity her anymore since she's already dying?
  • The semi-human "Habnabits" in Ferazel's Wand wear full-length cloaks with the hoods always up, shadowing their faces except for two features: large, vaguely human eyes, and a snout like an anteater. They're the good guys, though, as signified by the fact that their cloaks are a wide variety of colors rather than the generic black.
  • Final Fantasy:
    • The White Mage class in the Final Fantasy series have hooded robes, but whether or not they wear the hoods is variable—there are exceptions, but the general rule of thumb, as seen in III, V, and Tactics, is that male White Mages tend to wear the hood down, while female White Mages tend to wear the hood up.
    • Particularly young or cute white mages (or related classe, such as III's Devouts) may get a hood with cute cat ears on it. N'awwwww.
    • In Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, Kain runs around in such an outfit and is thus referred to as the Hooded Man Dark Kain has made him an internationally wanted criminal, so he can't show himself until he gets his name cleared. He can adorn this outfit in Dissidia 012.
    • Garnet in Final Fantasy IX wears a hooded robe to conceal her identity in order to sneak out of the castle. She tosses the hood when Vivi accidentally sets it on fire.
    • Hooded robes are common low level gear that players can wear in Final Fantasy XIV. The same hooded robes are also worn by enemies that are a part of a cult or gang.
  • Hector, Lyn, and Eliwood in Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword, while trying to hide their identities as marquesses in an enemy country. From the same game, we also have Ephidel, who uses his cloak to partially hide his unnatural appearance.
    • Done again in Path of Radiance with the laguz, but this time getting bumped into by a stranger knocked down Ranulf's hood and revealed his Unusual Ears. Unfortunately resulted in an angry mob.
    • In various entries to the series, male Manaketes appear as cloaked, hooded figures. The females, meanwhile, are typically cute young girls.
    • The Avatar in Fire Emblem: Awakening wears a cloak and hood in cutscenes. This is to give the Avatar a general appearance since you can customize the Avatar.
  • That Man from Guilty Gear certainly qualifies. Even in the boss battle against him, his hood never falls off even when hit by a Tyrant Rave.
  • Granblue Fantasy: Upon meeting them for the first time, all Oracles bound to the Arcarum summons wear the hood of their cloak that covers their face in shadows. Though some of them still have slightly visible facial features underneath.
  • Heavy Rain has Norman Jayden giving Ethan Mars a police coat with a hood so that he could escape.
  • Inexistence Rebirth: While Hald's main outfit is a blue tunic, he's also shown to wear a black hood over his head.
  • In inFamous, the first gang of the game, the normal Reapers wear red reaper style hoods while the Conduits wear white. Oddly enough, they normally paint a skull onto the hood itself. The hood happens to hide their face, no matter how much light is actually shining on it. Then again, they aren't entirely human according to later missions, so maybe they just have pitch-black faces.
    • Kessler wears a white hood.
  • The enemy Re-class battleship in KanColle apparently has her hood up for the look of it; you could hardly miss a girl wearing a scarf, a bra, a half-open coat, and a knapsack, with a tail that has its own mouth.
  • A lot of people in Kingdom Hearts, especially Organization XIII. Justified in that the cloaks most of the hoods belong to are designed to protect the wearer from unwelcome darkness, and the Organization (and most other characters who wear those cloaks) deal with a lot of that stuff.
    • Mickey's hood is actually altered to accommodate his ears... Which sort of defeats the purpose of having a hood conceal your face in the first place. "Who's that small person with very large, noticeable, visibly circular ears?" "Hmm, I don't know, it's a mystery!"
    • Averted with Sora, whose outfits have hoods that are never worn over his head (except in one artwork...). His hoods in his first two are instead used to hold Jiminy Cricket and his journal.
    • Kairi also has a hood she never wears (from KHII to present), but it's not as noticeable as long as you forget that it's the only black part of her otherwise completely pink-and-white outfit.
  • Altair's peaked hood has inspired a wave of homages from other sneaky characters, such as the blade obsessed assassin Talon of League of Legends.
  • The Hunters from Left 4 Dead wear hooded shirts, and are appropriately enough the stealth experts of the Infected. It also helps hide the fact that they have no eyes.
  • The Legend of Zelda:
    • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle Games:
      • The true villains are shown as hooded figures when they first confront Link. It wasn't at the end of either game that they reveals themselves to be Twinrova.
      • The miniboss Agunima's face is perpetually hidden by a deep hood, leaving only his eyes visible in the shadow.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Princess Zelda wears a hooded cloak for the majority of the game. She only uses it to conceal her identity for about two minutes, before she reveals herself to Link; the cloak is more a sort of mourning garb, given the state her kingdom is in for most of the game.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: The Old Man found on the Great Plateau at the start of game wears one. He eventually reveals himself to be King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule, and he initially hid his identity from Link so the latter wouldn't be even more overwhelmed than he already is with his amnesia. Among the earliest head armour, Link himself can obtain is the Hylian Hood, which combines this trope with a Badass Cape; he's seen wearing the Hood with his Champion's Tunic on the Rider amiibo.
    • Hyrule Warriors: Linkle wears a hooded green tunic as part of her belief that she is the legendary hero. In her original concept, the hood was pointed as a part of her "female Link" design; in the game proper, this is one of a few elements that were excised to make her into her own character.
  • Loom: Weavers wear hoods that completely conceal their face except for their glowing eyes. (They look like Jawas; since it's a LucasArts game, this may be a Shout-Out.) An in-universe myth says that it's fatal to look beneath a Weaver's hood; Cobb can't resist testing it out when he meets the main character. It's true.
  • In Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Snake is shown with a hood in the game's first act.
  • In Mortal Kombat X, Ermac ditches his ninja garb from previous games in favor of something more akin to a sorcerer's coat, complete with hood.
  • The MUD Shadows of Isildur is guilty of this- just putting up your hood allows you to disguise everything but your build and the color of your cloak.
  • Night Delivery:Michiru, the tenant of Room 401 wears a grey hoodie when he answers the door.
  • Pankapu: With The Faith Aegis, Pankapu wears a blue wizard robe that has a blue hood.
  • The protagonist of Persona 5 wears a gray hoodie with the hood up after he fakes his death late in the game, since he has to stay incognito so the police and the Conspiracy don't realize the truth.
  • PlanetSide 2 incorporates hoods into several of its Cool Helmets and Nice Hats. The Vanu Sovereignty's "Avalon", "Avalanche", and Terran Republic's "Arctic Wolf" are all full helmets with a hood slung over them. For Nice Hats, the New Conglomerate's "Flux" and TR's "Wraith" are heavy hoods with extra sensors built into top, obscuring the wearer's face. None of the hooded headgear (or any helmets, for that matter) obscure the user's field of view.
  • And now there's a Pokémon based off a mohawk hoodie. Scrafty's hood is made up of the shed skin of its pre-evolved form. Slightly subverted as it doesn't really wear the hood during battle, but they are fighting-type Pokémon and described as "hoodlums", so they have the attitude befitting the trope.
  • In Prototype, the main character, Alex Mercer, wears a hood to cover his face. This is because the real Alex Mercer was wearing a hood on his way to Penn Station because he was on the run. In the game, Alex keeps wearing that hood because that's what he was wearing when Blackwatch agents shot him dead. The Blacklight Virus simply copied his appearance at the time of his death and made it his Shapeshifter Default Form.
  • Psych 2021: One character Alex runs into in the park is a man in a grey hoodie. He can usually be seen sitting with his head facing the ground.
    • The killer wears a hoodie as well.
  • Quantum Replica: The Player Character of the game wears a hoodie as part of his outfit.
  • In Reflections on the River, one is worn by Zheng the witch (who's the protagonist). Upon removing it, Zheng notes that it's "great for dramatic effect, but it sort of impaired my peripheral vision".
  • The hooded figure in Resident Evil 5 that is with Wesker and Excella is a Brainwashed and Crazy Jill.
  • Tokugawa Ieyasu in Sengoku Basara 3 wears one, though it doesn't obscure his face. Considering his look and moveset is based on boxing, it could be due to this.
  • Shovel Knight: Plague Knight is shown to be wearing a hood outfit over his armor as part of his attire.
  • Skeletal Avenger:
    • The sorcerer who resurrected the skeleton appears to be wearing a red hooded cloak.
    • These are worn by fire mages as well.
  • In the STALKER series, Bandits of the more experienced ranks are clothed in black and/or brown hooded raincoats and are always seen with balaclavas covering their faces, unless if it's a named NPC, who usually ditches either the balaclava or the hood, or both. They are the weakest armored experienced enemies in the games, and provide no reason wearing these coats other than to look cool.
  • Strider: Grandmaster Meio always wears a hood to look threatening.
  • Eshe from Sundered wears a white cloak with a matching hood. It's Justified, as she was trekking through a desert in the middle of a sandstorm before getting pulled into the game's nightmarish world, and so would have needed protection from the elements.
  • Simon Belmont initially wears one in his Super Smash Bros. Ultimate trailer, both to protect himself from the rain outside Dracula's Castle and to conceal his identity to viewers before doing a Dramatic Unmask to reveal himself as a Guest Fighter for the game. Incineroar pulls a similar trick in his own trailer, though in that case it's one of those hooded robes that boxers wear when entering the ring (given Incineroar was butting in on the aftermath of a boxing match between Ken Masters and Little Mac).
  • Subverters from the Syndicate reboot wear hoods.
  • Zack "Half-Pipe" Boyd from Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys wears a red hood.
  • The skiakineticist class in Telepath Tactics. Bowmen also wear hoods, though it doesn't obscure their faces. Sarn Kamina pulls off the entire hooded cloak image in the opening of the campaign, but she drops the hood when she reappears later on.
  • In Terranigma, the Beruga cultists wear hooded white robes.
  • Theia - The Crimson Eclipse: Seth's unique action if placed at the front of the party is to put his hood on, just for Rule of Cool. During stealth missions, this affects the line-of-sight of certain guards, since some are more inclined to ignore him if he's hooded while others are more inclined to notice him.
  • The main character of the Thief series. Of course, everyone who needs to know who Garrett is already knows anyway.
  • Titan Quest: Referenced with the Bandit's Hood rare item.
  • In a level of Ultimate Spider-Man, Peter has to spring into action when his costume isn't available to him, so he just puts the hood on his jacket over his head.
  • White Noise 2: Denali's default and hipster outfits have her wearing a hoodie.
  • Red Riding Hood from Woolfe - The Red Hood Diaries. Naturally, since she's Red Riding Hood.
  • The various unnamed Reapers in The World Ends with You, who bar your path with invisible walls, forcing you to complete tasks for them to proceed.
  • Amusingly played with in World of Warcraft. There are several types of hood, but about 70% of them don't cast any shadows over the face. About half of what is left is composed of larger hoods that also don't hide faces. Hilariously enough, most of the hoods that actually do cast shadows over the face are intended for priests, and when examined with the rest of their matching gear sets, seem to have been made with holy priests in mind.
    • There's one for warlocks too.
    • Generally, the baddies hide their faces behind scarfs, though.
    • Death Knights start with a face-concealing shadowy hood.
      • Face-concealing scarves are mostly reserved for rogues, Defias Brotherhood, and the Syndicate. Enemy rogue NPCs are pretty rare and Defias and the Syndicate are fairly low-level enemies. Once you hit level 40 or so, there's nary a scarf in sight. A lot of hoods in Outland and Northrend, though. Pretty much every cultist and many of the spellcasters wear hoods.
      • We now have a properly sinister-looking high-level hood. for Paladins.

    Web Comics

  • Oasis subverted Little Dead Riding Hood in her red hoodie, which eventually developed a reputation of its own among the underworld. With the hood up, she was much less conspicuous.
  • Annyseed On page 19 we see that the sinister Coldsteem has adopted a hooded costume.
  • In El Goonish Shive, Noah wears this along with a Black Cloak to conceal his identity as the one fans refer to as the "The Child Left Behind". It helps that he seems to be able to literally cloak himself in shadow too, obscuring almost all details other than his shape. (In later appearances he has one glowing eye, and Noah's Peek-a-Bangs covering the other. So that's a bit of a clue.)
  • Girl Genius: When Agatha's party arrives in Mechanicsburg, they try a Black Cloak with hood to sneak in. They're stopped immediately by the guards looking for Agatha. Luckily, the heroes were smart enough to put Zeetha in the hood, even using her green hair color as an excuse why she was wearing the hood in the first place. The guards conclude it's the wrong girl and let them go, while Agatha watches from a distance.
  • № 4 from Hell(p) likes to disappear into his black hoodie. For personal reasons.
  • In Homestuck, hoods (or god-hoods) are a standard part of the clothing of those who have ascended to the God Tiers. They vary significantly in design - a Seer's is a normal hood, but a Knight's is a close-fitting coif, while a Witch's is split and looks like a pair of stockings. Some are even more abstract; a Bard's isn't even a hood but a conical hat.
  • I'm the Grim Reaper: Scarlet wears one to hide her horns and make herself look more human.
  • The Monster Under the Bed: Shadow wears one most of the time.
  • The Order of the Stick:
  • Rumors of War: appearing in Chapter 8 is a character by the name of Manaus. He wears a brown cloak complete with a hood, which obscures everything but his eyes, creating an implausible, yet creepy effect akin to Scary Shiny Glasses. He's implied by context to be a Devil in Plain Sight.
  • Duane from Unsounded constantly wears a hood because he's a galit and the glamour that keeps him looking human is broken by eye contact. In his case, being unhooded would actually draw more attention to himself. And mobs.

    Web Original

  • In The Chronicles of Taras: Red Dementia, Ghost, an albino girl, wears a black hoodie to protect from the sub-freezing temperatures of the black desert and the bright sunlight.
  • In the webserial The Descendants, the character Occult wears a hood that magically covers her face in shadow. Subverted due to the fact that under the hood, a glamour makes her look Nordic instead of Hispanic.
  • The servants of Lord Inglip wear distinctive red hoods when receiving their master's commands.

    Web Videos

  • Hobo Bros: Parodied in this Halloween video. Luke, wearing a hoodie, claims that he's dressed as a "scary hobo" for Halloween.
  • Ultimately the most important character whose identity is initially hidden in Marble Hornets is the Hooded Man, also known as Brian Thomas, aka totheark, one of the most famous parts of the series. This was a surprise to anyone who bothered watching the video that revealed it. No, really.
  • Noob:
    • Spectre plays with this in his webseries and novel first appearances. His gaming avatar is wearing a face-concealing hood, but his identity gets revealed (to those who read the novels) when the cursor donning the name of a retired Living Legend appears over his head at the end of his battle against Ystos.
    • Game Masters just have a hood big enough to hide their face in the webseries, but the comic gives them shorter hoods and faces hidden in shadow except for glowing red eyes.
    • The Season 1 quest givers and the Soulless who are actually the same group of people have this for pure identity-concealing purposes.
  • The Runaway Guys 's Lord Dona'tor uses a red hood to extremely effectively hide his identity.
  • Todd in the Shadows is constantly — you guessed it — shrouded in darkness, which makes the hood a bit of a redundancy but also gives him a very unique look. His Twitter profile pic is even Schroeder in said get-up . The hoodie actually hides nothing out of the shadows, though, so in his own videos if he's required to be out of the darkness his back is to the camera. In crossovers, he wears a black piece of fabric completely obscuring his face from the nose up, eyes included.

    Western Animation

  • Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender, because he's melodramatic like that. Aang also once tried to pull his robe up over his head cornholio-style as a "disguise."
  • The supervillain Grim Reaper in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes! wears a hooded cape that covers his eyes.
  • Hooded sweatshirts are probably the most common means of identity concealment for wrongdoers on Fillmore!.
  • The Grim Reaper from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy wears the whole hood/shroud deal, but it doesn't cover his face.
  • In He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002), Keldor initially sports this look after the Time Skip following his failed attempt to claim the Elders' power in the prologue. After using his new magical powers to defeat Randor in their rematch, he pulls the hood back and reveals his new identity as Skeletor.
  • The evil Daedalus from The Mighty Hercules, who usually ends each episode being dragged off by said hood.
  • The Mysterious Figure in OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes keeps most of his face hidden with a hood. He would later be reveal to not only be Professor Venomous, but also KO's father.
  • Rainbow Brite: The King of Shadows appears as a giant hooded figure when Rainbow finally confronts him.
  • In The Smurfs (1981): The druid leader in "The Smurf's Time Capsule", and Nemesis, who wears a hood over his face because it's so scary to look at. He will even remove the hood to show his face in order to scare his victims into submission.
  • Kenny from South Park has his face permanently obscured by a hood. Voice too, though apparently none of the main characters have a problem understanding him. In a few episodes, as well as the movie, we've been permitted a glimpse of what's underneath, but he definitely belongs here. He also adopts a face-obscuring hood when disguised as Mysterion (or at least one that hides his hair).
  • In Star Wars Rebels, "Fulcrum" communicates with Hera and Chopper via holograms rendering their appearance as a hooded figure with all features obscured, along with using a voice scrambler, until the first season finale reveal that Fulcrum is Ahsoka Tano. Usually hoods don't disguise her head cones/montrals, but this version did.
  • Steven Universe: Blue Diamond wears a hooded veil, concealing her eyes and making her look somewhere between a feminine Darth Sidious and an evil Virgin Mary.
  • Stripperella. When supervillain Queen Clitoris first makes an appearance she's hidden under a hood, solely so Stripperella can make the inevitable Double Entendre.
  • Raven from Teen Titans:
    • In Teen Titans, she wears an outfit that includes a blue cape and hood. She's not disguising her identity, though, because that's a bit hard to do when you have purple hair and a big red gem encrusted in the middle of your forehead. Nor does she seem to have a problem being seen with her hood down in public places, either; it's just part of her superhero chic.
    • In Teen Titans Go!, her hood is ALWAYS up. The only episodes she is seen without her hood are in "Laundry Day" and "Meatball Party".
  • The Transformers: The Red Wizard in the Season 3 Episode Madman's Paradise appears to be an old man wearing a red hooded cloak. It's actually a Quintesson.
  • In World of Winx we have Jim, who wears a hoodie with a hook-like design. Jim is revealed in the season finale to be a rejuvenated Captain Hook.
  • Miss Martian from Young Justice occasionally wears a stealth outfit that includes a hooded cloak. She usually doesn't wear the hood up unless she's using her camouflage powers.

    Real Life

  • Truth in Television: Hoodies. Many shops in the UK have banned them, and in the US some businesses at high-risk for robbery (liquor stores, gas stations/convenience stores, banks) have a sign on the door stating "Hoods or face obscuring headgear must be removed prior to entry", or some variation.
  • An partial example occurs with this in regards to medieval executioners and their hoods. They were usually depicted in contemporary art as bald and pox-ridden or scarred, but never with hoods. The association probably came about due to the fact that after the English Civil War, no one wanted to execute the king, so the executioner disguised himself with a black hood in order to protect his identity, and later on pieces of art made this standard even in settings where it would have made no sense.
  • The white, pointy face-concealing hood has become all but emblematic of the Ku Klux Klan, who frequently used them when engaging in cross-burnings and other acts of terror.
  • The iconic police sketch of Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber. Which is how the poker player Phil Laak got the nickname "The Unabomber" because he always wears a hoodie and sunglasses similar to Ted Kaczynski. He wears them to make it harder to read his facial expressions.

How To Draw Hoods And Cloaks


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