
How To Create Your Bio

So, you sat down to write your online bio, pumped to reveal to the world your professional self and achievements finally, and nothing happens. All of the words and phrases you had been stockpiling for months in your head suddenly disappear.

Instead, you waste four precious hours, staring at a blank Word Doc before surrendering to the fact that crafting a bio is perhaps not worth your time.

Finding an authentic way to describe your professional background and showcasing yourself as a credible, accomplished, and likable expert in the industry takes a lot of work. You decide your current profile is good enough. It works for you. Simple.

Does this situation sound familiar to you?

Writing a bio is an awkward process that anyone running a business or launching a website has to muscle through. And, it is hardly free from self-sabotaging beliefs such as:

  • "There's a right way to write a bio, and I'm doing it wrong."
  • "I want my profile to appeal to everyone."
  • "My bio is never going to be as good as others."

However, what most people often forget is that a bio isn't just about listing professional achievements. It is a conversation starter, a way of making a digital introduction. Also your bio — no matter how articulate and insightful — doesn't need to appeal to everyone.

Irrespective of whether it's LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or a guest post, this snippet should make people care about you. Period. With that said, here's how to write a bio step-by-step:

Step 1: Choose The Tone Of Your Bio Depending On The Platform

Context plays a vital role in whether your bio should be written in the first or third person. For most professional websites, writing in the third person might make sense. It also feels a bit self-congratulatory. However, the first person makes it a more personal experience.

Venture Capitalist Mark Gallion has different versions of his bio all over the internet. Of course, some are more formal than others. However, when it comes to Twitter, he prefers phrasing his information in a way that helps him engage with his audience on a human level.

In under 160 characters, he not only shares the details about his professional life but also highlights his love for baseball. Therefore, communicate who you are in a tone that's most suitable for your audience.

Gallion leverages his Twitter bio to connect with like-minded potential investors and followers. Therefore, you are free to make your bio funny, personal, formal, conversational, and the like depending on the platform you're writing it for.

Pro tip: Start by writing your bio for one platform, and then customize it for everywhere else you put it up. Have a look at a few creative examples on every platform for inspiration.

Step 2: Begin With Your Name, Job Title, And Responsibilities

Currently engaged with a brand or not – your bio should articulately list a generic job title and responsibilities. Ask yourself: "What am I known for?" "What do I do for a living?" "How much experience do I have?"

For example, the majority of my guest post author bios begin with "I am a B2B copywriter and marketing consultant," or "Asavari Sharma is a marketer and writer." No matter who I work for, I will always stick to the writing and marketing space. That's how I want people to know me.

But don't wait until the end of the bio for the big reveal. What you do should be explicitly stated in the first or second sentence. That's the best way to hook your readers. Also, list down your skills and achievements that will forever remain fresh.

Consider taking help from your personal brand statement.

Tip: The words you use in your bio influence others' perceptions about you. Therefore, you may want to steer clear of using 'freelancer' or 'part-time' and similar words with casual connotations. You don't want potential clients to view you as a low-level social media worker when you are, in reality, a CMO-for-hire focused on social media and branding strategy.

Step 3: Brag (In Moderation)

What's the point of writing a personal bio if you can't brag a little? Establishing credibility is vital to stand out from others in the industry. Depending upon the length of the bio, list a few professional achievements to earn the trust of the audience.

Google now focuses on recommending websites that display a high level of Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T). Therefore, in the case of guest posts, you should list your experience and how it qualifies you to write on the subjects.

Ultimately, remember to focus on how your impressive feats can add value to the readers. Instead of blabbering paragraphs about how cool you are, think from the reader's perspective and ask yourself, "what's in it for them?"

For example, Ian Morris is a technology writer who has written for popular brands such as CNET and The Mirror. His Forbes bio, as shown below, highlights his decade-long experience in tech as a content producer, his past and present employer details, and the work he has done so far.

In his bio, he establishes his credibility and proves he is qualified to not only write on technology but also host TV shows and podcasts in the domain. He is honest about himself. Readers and potential clients love that sort of thing.

Tip: Remember that a bio is not a resume. Do not merely list your accomplishments in your bio. Instead, describe them. Remember that your audience may not have any idea about what your accomplishments are unless you explain them correctly.

Step 4: Splash Some Personality

Using humor to show off your personality and to make yourself more relatable to audiences can be quite effective. So, don't hesitate to share information like your interests outside of work, side hustles, your hometown, the music or cuisine you like, and anything that shows people who you are.

Comedian Aparna Nancherla's Twitter was named one of The 140 Best Twitter Feeds of 2014 by TIME magazine. Her Twitter handle (@aparnapkin) is a play on her name, and that is silly enough. She makes people laugh for a living. Don't you think her Twitter bio is proof of that?

Tip: Humor always leaves a lasting impression, so use it to your advantage! However, make sure it fits in your industry culture. If you are a serious political writer, a funny bio is not going to bode well with your audience. Please be cautious.

Bonus: End With A Persuasive Call To Action

Most platforms will allow links to external websites. So once you have engaged a reader, request them. Like any other content piece, your bio should have a conversion goal. It's up to you to decide exactly what you want your audience to do after reading your post. A few common examples of CTAs to include in the author bio:

1. Inviting visitors to your website: English author, John Cleese wants his audience to know more about his app, The Silly Walk. He uses Twitter to drive traffic to the site.

2. Signing up for your email list: By the looks of her bio, it is clear that Sonia is a writer, and she runs a fabulous newsletter that she wants everyone to sign up for.

3. Follow you on social media: If you are struggling to find the perfect way to end your author bio, add a line like "connect with me on Twitter" or "let's socialize on Instagram."

4. Buy your books: Content marketer Peter Sandeen offers a free download in one of his guest post author bios. A smart way to pitch a lead magnet!

5. Your contact information: If you represent a company, you can share its email ID or phone number in the bio to let prospects get in touch for enquiring about your services or products.

4 Quick Tips To Remember For Writing A Badass Bio

So, now that you know what to include in your author bio, here are some quick things you should and shouldn't do, no matter where your bio is going to get posted:

1. Make It Concise

Even when you're writing for your website, keep it concise. Come on. Human beings have an attention span of eight seconds. A bio between 200 and 250 words is just about enough to give your audience a taste of your professional life. Don't bore your audience.

2. Show, Don't Tell

This is one of the most important things you can do to make your bio stand out. Liz Murphy is IMPACT's content strategist, and in my opinion, she is also an exceptional personal bio writer. I love how she combined her responsibilities at IMPACT with her professional skills. Her bio is like reading a story about someone. Weave a story about yourself!

3. Keep It Updated

As a professional, you are going to grow, learn new techniques, work with different brands. It's inevitable. Naturally, over some time, your bio will become stale. Therefore, wherever your bio is up, make sure you review it every six months to keep it fresh.

4. Accompany Your Bio With A Professional Picture

Visuals convey information about a person's brand. If you are friendly and approachable, then upload a high-resolution smiling photo beside the text of your bio. If you don't have one, get a picture clicked. If you value your brand, value your bio photo.

7 Memorable Professional Bio Examples You Can Take Inspiration From

So, now that you know what to include in your author bio, here are some quick things you should and shouldn't do, no matter where your bio is going to get posted:

1. Dan Sally

Platform: HuffPost

Write a bio that is in sync with what you do professionally. Dan Sally is a comedian, and he uses self-deprecating humor to talk about himself, his work, and his family. Tell me if you can get through the bio without a chuckle. I bet you can't! It's that funny.

2. John Espirian

Platform: Twitter

A significant trait about John Espirian that stands out in the bio is that he is "relentlessly helpful." He loves LinkedIn and is the author of a book called Content DNA. His bio gives an overview of what he does in general and what currently keeps him busy (he gives a link to pre-order the book in the bio).

3. Wait But Why

Platform: Website

Popularly known as the "stick-figure-illustrated blog about almost everything," Wait But Why is hilarious. Its Meet The Team page is even more so. The author bios of the team members don't follow any conventional rules of bio writing, but they stick to what WBW stands for, i.e., humor and satire.

4. Brad Colbow

Platform: Udemy

If you want to sound like an industry expert yet come across as being approachable, then Brad Colbow's Udemy bio is ideal. It includes his job title, what he does for a living, and everything else in between. Since he is a trainer on Udemy, he also shares his thoughts about learning. His bio will make anyone pick up a pencil and start learning.

5. Old Spice

Platform: Instagram

Old Spice is a brand for men, and their Instagram bio reaffirms that fact. They also post a lot of gifs/videos on the platform, hence the mention in the bio. Want a snazzy bio for yourself or your business? Go the 'Old Spice' way.

6. Aaron Orendorff


Aaron Orendorff is a contributor not just at but also at other popular publications as well. He also states he dons different hats by day and night, giving a mention about marketing company iconiContent. Oh, and he gives a link to download his checklist in the bio. Smart, right?

7. Natasha Khullar Relph

Platform: The International Freelancer

Personally, I am a big fan of Natasha. She is an award-winning journalist and has worked with many popular publications. Her bio lays emphasis on the platforms on which her work has been published, which is impressive in itself.

Ready To Write Your Bio?

I am sure you are! Please remember that the best way to create a meaningful and authentic author bio is to write it with lots of care and caution. Do multiple rewrites if need be. The whole idea is to make people care about you, be curious about you. Therefore, make it worth it. Now, go on, buckle down, and knock it out.

How To Create Your Bio


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